Billboard Owner Fights Back Against Alleged Thief

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  • Billboard Owner Fights Back Against Alleged Thief

It’s common knowledge that if you are going to commit a crime, you want to make sure you actually get away with it. That entails making sure there are no witnesses to the crime itself, especially with regards to video and/or photographs. Another rule probably often overlooked is to make sure the crime committed is not against someone who can very easily expose you to a large audience.

Unfortunately for one New Zealand man, he broke both those rules.

The alleged thief was caught red-handed on camera stealing expensive equipment from a billboard company that has now plastered his image around Aukland, New Zealand’s largest city, seeking his capture.

The unidentified thief was photographed by a suspicious onlooker as he uncoupled 15 electrical transformers used to boost the lighting on a billboard in Auckland. The person taking the photo personally knew the pillaged sign belonged to Mark Venter, who runs OTW Advertising, one of New Zealand’s oldest billboard companies.

So when the photographer offered pictures of the thief in action, Venter decided to mount the images on four city billboards with the inscription: ‘Who is this Thief? Reward $500.’

With no further ado, here is our stupid criminal.

Hat tip to for original story.